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Congratulations to Carla Abad on Winning CASE Best Dissertation Award

Congratulations to graduating doctoral student, Carla Abad, on winning the best dissertation award from the College of Arts, Sciences and Education at FIU! She also received the Academic Achievement award too! Way to go Carla!

Congratulations to Rosalie Odean on Winning CASE Academic Achievement Award

Congratulations to graduating doctoral student, Rosalie Odean, on winning the academic achievement award from the College of Arts, Sciences and Education at FIU! Way to go, Rosalie!

Congratulations to graduating undergraduate student, Daniela Alvarez, on being selected an FIU Worlds' Ahead Graduate! Only a handful of FIU graduates are recognized as Worlds' Ahead graduates at the graduation ceremony! Dani was selected because of her academic, personal and community achievements! Way to go, Dani!

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Dr. Pruden is recruiting new graduate students to start the Developmental Science Ph.D. program in Fall 2019! If you are interested in the development of language and spatial abilities in preschool aged children, please contact Dr. Pruden to learn more about her research, the graduate program at FIU and living in South Florida!

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