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The PLSD lab congratulates graduate students Vanessa Vieites and Alina Nazareth on their recent publication, A new biomarker to examine the role of hippocampul function in the development of spatial reorientation in children: A review, published in Frontiers of Developmental Psychology!

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Congratulations to Elsa Bravo on her REU Internship to Temple U!

Congratulations to Elsa Bravo, an undergraduate research assistant in the PLSD lab. She just found out that she was accepted into Temple University's Research Experience for Undergraduates internship for summer 2015. Way to go, Elsa!

Alina Nazareth Wins the 1st Place in Graduate Scholarly Forum

Congratulations to graduate student, Alina Nazareth, on winning first place in the social sciences category in the FIU Graduate Scholarly Forum. A cash award accompanies this win! Way to go, Alina!

Carla Abad Wins the 2nd Place in Graduate Scholarly Forum

Congratulations to graduate student, Carla Abad, on winning second place in the social sciences category in the FIU Graduate Scholarly Forum. A cash award accompanies this win! Way to go, Alina!


Congratulations to Dr. Alina Nazareth on successfully defending her dissertation and completing the Ph.D. program in Developmental Science. Alina graduated in the summer 2015 commencement ceremony and was also recognized as a Worlds Ahead Graduate for all of the terrific work she has conducted while at FIU. Congratulations Dr. Nazareth!

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The PLSD lab would like to congratulate our very own undergraduate research assistant Tatiana Barriga on winning the Worlds Ahead Graduate Award and being recognized at the Fall 2015 graduation ceremony. We are so proud of all of the work that Tati has done! Congratulations!

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